

The Cathedral is a large, diverse and exuberant community.  It strives to meet the pastoral needs of its parishioners. The priority of our Sunday School ministry is to assist each family, particularly the children, to grow in Christian faith and love.

We envision faith formation, with the Eucharist as its centre, as a lifelong process.   We believe that parents are the first and best teachers of their children in the ways of faith. They teach their children to pray, to understand our faith tradition, to make decisions with a Catholic conscience and to experience the joy of living as children of God.

The immediate aim of our liturgy programme is to help our children to understand the message of Godˇ¦s love for them and to love Him in return. We show how His love is expressed in the world, in the people we meet, in our own families, in ourselves and in the traditions and rituals of the Catholic Church.

The programme includes the following:

ˇP     Childrenˇ¦s Liturgy:  for children aged 5 and upwards.  Five groups are arranged according to age.

ˇP     Seeds for the Gospel : for children from 3 ½ to 5 years old.

ˇP     Sacramental preparation:  for children who are already part of the regular Childrenˇ¦s liturgy programme.  Special preparatory classes are held on a series of Saturday afternoons for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. There is a  comprehensive year-long programme for Confirmation candidates.

As in previous years, we plan special family programmes for the different liturgical seasons, for example, Advent (30 November 2014). These provide the opportunity for the  families to come together, and for the children to develop their talents and participate more actively in the Eucharist.  We look forward to your participation.

The Sunday School ministry strives to create an atmosphere of religious learning for children that meets the needs of as many families as possible. The input and contribution of parents to this ministry are greatly appreciated.  


Letter from Fr. Michael Cuddigan

2014-15 Application Form

2014-15 Calendar


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