二. 學生須知

To Sunday School students

(一) 時常祈禱、事事感恩、勤領聖事。

Pray often, be grateful to everyone and everything, partake in Sacraments frequently.

(二) 敬愛天主、尊重自己、尊重別人。

Love God, respect yourself, and respect others.

(三) 每主日及瞻禮主日均參與感恩祭(彌撒)。
感恩祭舉行時,應投入參與,不可閒 談、喧嘩、嬉戲或擅自出入。

Attend Mass every Sunday and every Feast Day. Participate actively in Mass.

(四) 要愛護公物,善用天主給我們的一切。

Treasure everything that God gives us.

(五) 要自律,不在課室及公眾地方喧嘩。

Do not disturb other classes by running or speaking loudly in the corridors.

(六) 上課時留心聽講,不擾亂秩序。

Pay attention during class.

(七) 上課時應帶備聖經,學生手冊及文具。

Bring your Bible, student handbook and stationary to class.

(八) 好好保管自己的物件。

Take care of your own belongings.

(九) 上下樓梯時應保持肅靜,勿奔跑或嬉戲,免生危險。

Walk slowly on the stairs.

(十) 不得在學校範圍內進行任何球類活動。

Do not carry out any ball games in the area of Raimondi.