
The programme includes the following:

Pre-school and Kindergarten groups: for children aged 4 to 5 and 5 to 6.

Children’s Liturgy and Faith Formation: for children aged 6 and upwards.

Sacramental preparation: for children who are already part of our regular Children’s Liturgy and Faith Formation programme. Special preparatory classes are held on a series of Saturday afternoons for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion; and similarly for Confirmation.

This year we endeavour to continue organizing special family events for the different liturgical seasons. These provide the opportunity for the families to come together, and for the children to develop their talents and participate more actively in the Eucharist. We look forward to your participation. The Sunday School ministry strives to create an atmosphere of religious learning for children that meets the needs of as many families as possible. The input and contribution of parents to this ministry are greatly appreciated.